English-Language-Taught Degree Programmes in European Higher Education

English-Language-Taught Degree Programmes in European Higher Education

Trends and Success Factors
Friedhelm Maiworm, Bernd Wächter (ed.)

ISBN 3-932306-47-3
2003, paperback, 136 pages
19,80 EUR 

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European higher education is increasingly confronted with competition on an emerging world market of higher education. At the same time, the need is apparent to add an international dimension to the education of domestic students. One obvious answer to the this double challenge is the provision of programmes in taught English, the major world language of academe. Such programmes have in the recent past indeed been launched in many countries where English is not the domestic language. But little is known about them. Is there a sizeable provision at all? Which are the leading countries? In which subject areas are such programmes beeing offered, by which level – Bachelor or Master? Is there a real demand at all? Are there serious quality issues? This study answers these and related questions on “English-language-taught degree programmes” (ELTPs) in Europe for the first time. It is based on two large-scale surveys of nearly 1,600 higher education institutions across Europe. The study also contains a set of recommendations for universities which intend to enter into the “ELTDP business”.