Excellence Initiative – The Winners

Excellence Initiative – The Winners

Institutional Stratgies, Graduate Schools, Clusters of Excellence
Lemmens Medien GmbH (Publisher)

ISBN 978-3-932306-94-5
2009, paperback, 300 pages
52,00 EUR 

The “Excellence Initiative of the Federal and State Governments to Promote Higher Education” aims at improving the quality of the higher education and research location and thus sustainably strengthening Germany as a higher education and research location by supporting top-level research. Funding outstanding research is to result in the creation of internationally competitive beacons of science and the humanities. To achieve this aim, three project-oriented funding lines have been established: Institutional Strategies to boost the research profile of selected universities, Graduate Schools for junior scientists and scholars, and Clusters of Excellence as internationally visible, competitive research and training institutions. This book gives a comprehensive account of all projects approved for funding.